The fifth expedition was organized on the Turkish territory. Apart from the central goal of the project, it also aimed at the comprehensive exploration of the former Georgian regions of Turkey.
The 5th expedition itinerary: Trabzon › Bayburt (former Chaldea) › Ispir › Rize › Artvin ›
Klarjeti › Yusufeli › Erzurum › Shavshat › Oltu › Olur › Göle › Ardahan › Posof › Cildir ›
the administrative regions of Central Anatolia and the Black Sea littoral.
During the expeditions and the fieldwork, the team obtained valuable audio, video and photo materials, the analysis of which and the follow-up study confirmed the reliability of the Georgian and foreign sources concerning the apostolic activities of St. Andrew the First Called within and outside Georgia. The materials convinced the scholars in the authenticity of the tradition on St. Andrew’s trip and refuted the ideas about its mythic origin.
The findings of the expedition were presented at two scholarly conferences and were published as a collection of papers. The expedition materials were also published. Currently, a documentary film is being edited and a photo album is being prepared.